The National kick off their second European tour on Thursday, June 5th in Germany. They'll be playing about nineteen shows in Germany, France, Austria, and Slovenia. [LINK TO COME]Check out the dates.
The band's new record, Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers, was released one week ago in continental Europe via our friends at Talitres (European home of The Walkmen, Destroyer, and Calla, among others). The record is already having some notable success on French radio, where it has been played on Bernard Lenoir's program, thereby charting in ways we can't describe because charts and graphs confuse us so. The band's tour is being sponsored by a French radio network, Férarock and a major newspaper, Libération. Thank you France for your deep embrace of their modern romantic exestentialism!
Ah, you ask: What do we do if we live in a country where English is spoken? Can we buy Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers sans import? Nein. The album won't be released in the US until September. (Soon we'll be making a very exciting announcement related to that.) In the UK, the album is currently available on vinyl only. We would explain why, but that would involve some of the same aforementioned charts and graphs. We're hoping for a UK release in late 2003 or early 2004.
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