In other news, Brassland will release [LINK TO COME]The National's new album, Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers (pictured at left), on vinyl only in Europe on April 28th. In late May, Talitres are set to release the CD version in mainland Europe. Click here to visit a web page the label has set up for the European release. Talitres may also release their record in the UK, but we're not sure yet. Details on the US release of the record will be announced when we're good and ready. The band is doing a European tour in June. See our [LINK TO COME]tour page for a rough idea of the routing.
Expect an overhaul of The National's webpage at Brassland, as well as the pages for [LINK TO COME]Baby Dayliner and [LINK TO COME]Erik Friedlander. We hope to be offering the cool new video for Baby D's song, "Raid!"
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