Bryce Dessner, guitar player for Clogs & Brassland co-proprietor writes, "Clogs just finished a whirlwind tour of the northeast which included an art gallery in New Haven, a high school auditorium in Lyndon, Vermont, and two big rock clubs in New York and Boston with Shipping News. We are back in the studio recording brand new music for our second album Lullaby for Sue, including "Mangrove Mountain Dreams," "Swarms" and "Who's Down Now?" in which Padma Newsome raises a feisty fist with one finger extended towards his past.
"We're excited to be back in the company of producer/engineer Vic Steffens of Horizon Studio in West Haven where we record our first record Thom's Night Out. We're hoping to meet up with our old friend and collaborator Mia Doi Todd while she's doing month-long stretch of gigs on the east coast, though scheduling problems may prevent that.
"Various plots include a new bunch of STICK music performances in New Haven, New York and beyond, and an orchestral gig of Clogs arrangements and a bassoon concerto "21 Variations for a Friend" by Padma for spring 2003. My electric guitar quartet, Sap Dream Electric Guitar Quartet, is also doing a bunch of shows in the near future."