Released on May 1, 2020
DRY DANIEL is Buke and Gase's "lost" album from 2014. The 8-song release will be available exclusively to Scholars Alliance subscribers on Bandcamp. JOIN right here:
A 3-song EP version with the band's favorite songs from the sessions will also be available to a wider public, but only on Bandcamp. PRE-ORDER that version here:
Nope this is not an April Fool's Day joke. That happens on April 1st! This release was announced on is Arone's birthday which is April 2nd. See, sometimes you get do what you want for your birthday. Wish her a happy birthday ok? You can find her at
p.s. If you are wondering if any of this music will ever be on streaming services the answer is "maybe"
Today, for Arone’s very special birthday we are announcing the release of a handful of tunes that we proudly refer to as failures. Sometimes failures are the best kinds of presents, they teach so much about how to be in the world, they are strange, scary little gifts. We made Dry Daniel way back in 2014, when the world was a little different. B&G was in a transitional moment, trying to figure out what the hell we were doing and scrambling to arrive at an answer quick. What we ended up with was a snapshot of a process that eventually taught us how to make music better. Upon finishing Dry Daniel, on the very day we were to release it, Arone and I both looked at each other and said “it’s no good, is it?” and with a big sigh of relief, decided to shelf the whole thing (except the single Seam Esteem). This is a testament to how dedicated we are and especially Arone is to making something that really is authentically what we want.
Arone, it’s been an amazing, inspiring ride working with you all these years. It’s a privilege. Your talents are hard to beat. Happy Birthday.
Check it out people, it’s a B&G archeological dig.
xox Aron