It's two weeks from the release of Baby Dayliner's Critics Pass Away and critics are already saying "No other record this year has hit us this hard or this strong. In fact, we dig it so much we're convinced there doesn't exist a stereo, iPod, or dance club playlist that can say no to this savvy hybrid of pop, new wave, and soul."
We invite you to head to our media page to listen to "At Least" from BD's new album, and check out the media love from Brooklyn Vegan, Invisible Limb, and Entertainment Weekly. We'd especially like to thank EW's publisher, Time Warner, for all their support over the years. What would we do without their Roadrunner cable modem service?
Baby Dayliner celebrates the release of his new album when he opens for The National at Bowery Ballroom on Sunday, May 21st. One of our favorite new NYC artists Doveman will also perform.
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