
March 28, 2009

Dessner News: MusicNow Wrap-Up and "The Lincoln Shuffle" Show

Earlier this March, Bryce Dessner was back in Cincinnati, Ohio, for the 2009 MusicNow Festival. The festival, which ran on March 11th and 12th, featured a diverse lineup, including the Kronos Quartet, The Books, and Richard Reed Parry (of Arcade Fire and Bell Orchestre fame). Some pictures of the event (all taken by Keith Klenowski) can be seen below:

For more photos, feel free to visit MusicNow's Flickr Photostream. To watch Bryce and Aaron Dessner, Richard Reed Parry, and Tyondai Braxton (from Battles) perform an impromptu jam, click play below:

In other news, "The Lincoln Shuffle" - a series of short pieces composed by Bryce in celebration of the 200th anniversary of Honest Abe's humble birth - has been streaming on 21st Century Abe for a while. We're happy to say, however, that the pieces will soon cease to exist solely in digital form - on April 2, "The Lincoln Shuffle" will be performed at the Rosenbach Museum and Library. The event, which begins at 6:30 pm, will feature both a performance by Bryce and "a group of instrumentalists" as well as a discussion, where attendees can learn "how Dessner has interpreted history through his own artistic lens." If interested in learning about interpretive history through artistic lenses, send an RSVP here.

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