What ever happened to Clogs? It's a question we periodically ask ourselves. Well, guess what, they're re-emerging this summer for a tour that will explore the northeastern U.S. and Maritime provinces. (We'd never heard of the Maritme provinces either. Apparently it's a Canadian thing.) They also played Los Angeles this past weekend but we forgot to tell you about it. We hear it was awesome.
Anyway, band co-founder and O.G. Brasslander Bryce Dessner will be sitting out this round, but they group will have several guests joining in the music-making. Guitarist Ben Cassorla will join the group throughout the entire tour. Creatures vocalist Shara Worden will sing at the Halifax Jazz Festival performance. The Olympic Symphonium will be at the Empress Theatre in Moncton, New Brunswick. Percussionist Lorne Watson will play the Firehouse 12 show in New Haven, CT. And, last but not least, Lorne & Clogs member Thomas Kozumplik's other group, Loop 2.4.3, will accompany them at Galapagos Art Space in Brooklyn, NY, alongside visual artist Jon Waldo.
Think live graffti, but more ephemeral. Actually we're just making stuff up at this point. Go to the shows to find out how they do.
We're told that Clogs have been developing some beautiful new music, including Padma Newsome's "Shady Gully" collection, inspired by the seas and the people of his hometown in Mallacoota, Australia. They'll be performing these pieces, along with favorites from the Clogs catalogue during their summer shows. There are even rumors of a new Clogs EP being readied for release on a certain Brooklyn label whose name we cannot mention (because it would be redundant). Like the mysteries of live graffiti painting and Staten Island, however, we will let the details remain hazy for now.
However, for complete tour information and links to each Clogs concert, check out our shows page. Or if that's not enough visit Clogs' website.