Clogs' percussionist Thom Kozumplik will be touring the Midwest throughout March and has an April show in New York with Loop 2.4.3. The dates are:
3/9/08 Pittsburgh, PA (Your Inner Vagabond)
3/11/08 Chicago, IL (The Empty Bottle)
3/12/08 University Center, MI (Saginaw Valley State - Free Show)
3/13/08 University Center, MI (SVSU Master Class)
3/14/08 Caledonia, MI (Duncan Lake MS Auditorium)
3/15/08 Caledonia, MI (Strike Percussion Weekend Master Class)
4/9/08 New York, NY (The Players Theatre)
In addition, Rachael Elliot from Clogs will be performing with her bassoon duo Tuple at Loop 2.4.3's April show in New York.