Both The National and Erik Friedlander will endure Austin, Texas's sweatlodge-like climate so they can play everybody's favorite music festival and eat some kickass BBQ. Yeah, that's right March 16-20 we're going to South by Southwest, or "South by" as we like to call it (as long as there is someone there to slap us right after we say it). Best of all, Brassland is planning on sponsoring our very first party! With free stuff. And music. And stuff. And beer (though you might have to pay for it). All the same, pencil us in for the afternoon of Friday, March 18th. Or we won't love you anymore.
Also, both Erik and The National plan on doing a handful of other shows in March, routing them down to Austin. Keep an eye on our tour page where we'll be announcing details as soon as we have them.
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