"Hello, this is Baby Dayliner. Please leave a message." Say what? Here's what: Insound.com is currently running a contest connected to the release of Critics Pass Away. If you purchase a copy through the site you will be entered to be one of three customers to win a customized answering machine message from the man himself. Click here for details.
That's not the only dot-com joining the Baby Dayliner revolution. BD has also contributed a list of "Music You Should Hear" to Amazon.com. Read this list of his influences and infatuations from The Smiths to Daft Punk, the Magnetic Fields to My Bloody Valentine, Ol' Dirty Bastard to an old collection of rockabilly obscurities. Finally, to give this dot-com troika some Web 2.0 buzz, visit YouTube to see an exclusive video of BD performing "The Way You Look Tonight" at NYC's Rare nightclub in April 2006.
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