
April 3, 2006

Baby Dayliner Buzz Brewing

We're over a month away from the release of Baby Dayliner's sophomore album, Critics Pass Away, yet the buzz has already begun. Of course our old friends at Music.For-Robots dig it, but so do some new friends over at XLR8R Magazine. Quoth DJ Mike Relm: "Baby Dayliner's got that classic delivery that is going to carry this song to the top of a lot of best-of-2006 lists. 'Whodunit' has all the ingredients for a dancefloor staple. The disco-soul-inspired rhythm drives the song, and Dayliner's just got that way of making you want to sing along with him-at the top of your lungs. I'm not leaving home without this song."

Yeah, the bloggers like it MySpace. We'll be posting an official preview track here any day now. If you want to see it in stock when it comes out in early May, Start asking for Critics Pass Away by name at your local record store right now. Or just Google his name and wish upon a falling star or something. We don't know how the hell you get your music these days.

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